Public Health

Protecting the health and welfare of employees and customers is a critical aspect of the successful operation and continuity of any business. As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, a public health crisis can decimate businesses that are not prepared or able to manage them.


TAG has the experience and expertise to help you successfully integrate science-driven public health approaches into your business strategy – and provide additional onsite services through our expanded network.


TAG can help you convert your COVID-focused program into today’s new reality, update your pandemic plans, assess policies you have in place, develop and implement new programs, or manage an existing crisis.

TAG Public Health Services include:

Public Health

Pandemic Shifts Worker Mindsets:
What this means for your business continuity

Public Health

TAG helps businesses be prepared for Infectious Disease
Foresight is not about predicting the future, it’s about minimizing surprise. Contact TAG today to learn more about FORESIGHT 20/20, our Infectious Disease Threat/Hazard Analysis & Risk Management Program.
TAG Talks: A Q&A on The Next Infectious Disease: How To Be Prepared

TAG Senior Director, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Ben Miller discusses what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us about being prepared for other workplace communicable diseases.

Partner With The Leading Food Safety And Public Health Consultant Team.