Am I Allergic?
I get a stomachache whenever I drink milk. Does that mean I’m allergic to it and should completely avoid it? The short answer: Not necessarily
I get a stomachache whenever I drink milk. Does that mean I’m allergic to it and should completely avoid it? The short answer: Not necessarily
Are organic foods healthier than conventionally grown and produced foods? The short answer: Not necessarily The explanation: The USDA Organic seal can be used only
While grocery shopping, I saw that some foods are labeled with the below symbol and say “Treated with radiation.” That does not sound safe to
I’ve been seeing conflicting reports on the safety of bottled water vs tap water. I’m now quite confused! Which should I drink? The short answer:
I hosted a New Year’s Eve party with an array of appetizers, and have a lot leftover. How long will they be safe to eat?
During my annual holiday baking, I often mix up a batch of homemade “Playdoh” for my child to feel a part of things. Since it
My mother always stuffed our turkey at Thanksgiving, now I’m told it’s not safe! But I love the stuffing cooked this way, is there any
I’m confused! I know I should wash fruits and vegetables before eating them, so should I also wash raw meats and poultry? The short answer:
I hear so many differing opinions on the use and safety of GMOs in food. What are the facts? The short answer: The facts and
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